This site is from a past semester!

tP comments dashboard

Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given. Updated weekly.

[This page was last updated on 2023-11-16 @00:09]

1. YANG..TIAN @skylee03 (130 comments)

2. DEXT..G EN @DextheChik3n (87 comments)

3. CHUA..RYAN @ryan1604 (86 comments)

4. NEO .. WEI @NeoMinWei (85 comments)

5. CHAR..G YU @charkty (81 comments)

6. PUA ..RICK @wwweert123 (74 comments)

7. LEOW.. JIE @kaijie0102 (54 comments)

8. NG Z..I YI @ziyi105 (47 comments)

9. TONG..HONG @TongZhengHong (47 comments)

10. PAPP..NIEL @danielpappa (36 comments)

11. NIHA..IAJI @nihalzp (27 comments)

12. WOLT..LIUS @AlWo223 (26 comments)

13. TOH ..CHUN @mcmc101001 (25 comments)

14. DYLA..TIAN @DaDevChia (22 comments)

15. STAN..JAYA @StanleyW00 (20 comments)

16. CHAN..DICT @BenedictChannn (19 comments)

17. LIOW..ELLE @janelleenqi (16 comments)

18. RYAN.. RUI @ryanlohyr (15 comments)

19. TAN ..THAN @Jonoans (14 comments)

20. CHUA..HENG @Cazh1 (14 comments)

21. OH K.. WEI @ken-ruster (13 comments)

22. CHUN..XUAN @spaceman03 (11 comments)

23. TOH ..HENG @yicheng-toh (9 comments)

24. YEON..JEHO @ICubE- (8 comments)

25. LOKE.. XIA @yingx9 (8 comments)

26. TANG..NICE @ShaniceTang (6 comments)

27. CHAN..IANG @ChoonSiang (5 comments)

28. WOO ..NING @WooKaiNing (5 comments)

29. SAUN.. MIN @NaychiMin (4 comments)

30. ONG .. KIT @choonkit-nus (3 comments)

31. OU N..IANG @onx001 (3 comments)

32. LIM ..SHUA @lckjosh (3 comments)

33. JASO.. JIE @sRanay (2 comments)

34. SHAN..XUAN @Xuan127 (2 comments)

35. DHAN..IKSH @antrikshdhand (2 comments)

36. SCHN..ILLE @martinschnder (2 comments)

37. LIM ..HING @limyuhching (1 comments)

38. HOO ..HONG @hooami (1 comments)

39. ZHU ..NGXI @Cheezeblokz (0 comments)

40. LEE ..RYAN @bljhty (0 comments)

41. NG L..IXON @NgLixuanNixon (0 comments)

42. FARI..RRAJ @farissirraj (0 comments)

43. TEO .. ZHI @TeoHaoZhi (0 comments)

44. LI S..UANG @lisizhuang-0121 (0 comments)

45. LEON..SHUA @J0shuaLeong (0 comments)

46. JAME.. JEY @James-Hong-Jey (0 comments)

47. ROHI..THAN @rohitcube (0 comments)

48. MAN ..HENG @spinoandraptos (0 comments)

49. REN ..GDAO @YFshadaow (0 comments)

50. KARI..ARAN @karishma-t (0 comments)

51. WEMH..ELIN @wendelinwemhoener (0 comments)

52. TIAN..AYAN @J-Y-Yan (0 comments)

53. SHI ..CHEN @hshiah (0 comments)

54. BANG..EONG @junhyeong0411 (0 comments)

55. LI H..AOYU @Haoyuli2002 (0 comments)

56. HUAN..AMES @Remy9926 (0 comments)

57. KHER..ALAN @Brian030601 (0 comments)

58. LEE ..GMIN @woodenclock (0 comments)

59. YANG..REMY @imaginarys96 (0 comments)

60. LIEN..TING @lctxct (0 comments)

61. BENJ..MING @bnjm2000 (0 comments)

62. WU X..NGYU @DavinciDelta (0 comments)

63. JOAN..LING @JoanneJo (0 comments)

64. VELU..LAJI @000verflow (0 comments)